Friday, March 15, 2019

18A – Create a Customer Avatar


My  prototypical customer would definitely be environmentalists and people who study agriculture. These people are usually the ones that are all about saving the planet and make the most extreme and ridiculous changes in their lifetime if they think its going to save the world one way or another. They are the ones who are usually described as hippies and are all about vibes and being connected to the universe. Hobbies that they take on would probably include going to the forest and camping every weekend or setting up a hammock every time they can. They would also probably protest anything they can if its affecting the environment. They also probably drive a Volkswagen Van ( if they actually own a car) because they would probably prefer to bike everywhere in order to minimize the CO2 on the environment. Their politics believes would also probably leans towards the Democrat party.

Even though I just described the avatar and I'm not anything like that at all, I still think I can identify with it, and a lot of people can too. I think that my avatar represents the people that will say 100% agree with my idea and jump right away but then there's people like me who even though we do care about the environment, it is not out number one priority (sadly). People like me usually need a little motivation in order to do something. That is not a positive thing and that is something that I do have to work on and thankfully this project has been helping me actually care more and do more research on why it is so important to take care of the environment.

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