Friday, March 1, 2019

16A –What’s Your Secret Sauce?

Describe five ways in which you think you have human capital that is truly unique.

1) Optimistic - I think that one of the things that really sets me apart is the fact that I always keep a positive attitude. No matter how tough a situation is, I always keep my head up and don't let anything keep me down. Even when things look like they're not going how I would want them to go, I keep a positive mindset till the end. 

2) Patient - Something that also sets me a part is the fact that I have a really high patience. I can spend hours trying to help someone and I won't get frustrated or anything. I can also be working on a personal project and it could take hours for me to finish it but that also doesn't frustrate me. 

3) Social - I think that the fact that I'm really social and it's really easy for me to make friends sets me apart. I absolutely love making new friends and every time that I see that there is someone that isn't talking to someone, I approach them and try to make conversation. 

4) Enthusiastic - This one also goes along with some of the ones that I mentioned already but my enthusiasm also sets me apart. I'm always ready to take on a new task and I always keep a good attitude while doing the task even if its one that I really don't want to do.

5) Integrity -  One thing that also sets me apart is my integrity. I take pride in everything I do so I always keep a really professional and honest behavior.  I always do everything how its supposed to be done and never cheat my way into it. 


Emily Interview
- My friend Emily focuses a lot on the fact that I am a very open person. She describes how my friendliness and  open mindedness makes it really easy to engage with people. 

Ivan's Interview
- Ivan describes how I'm a really happy person and how how not a lot of things are able to bring me down. He also respects how hard I work to achieve the things I want.

 Vicky's Interview  
- Vicky also mentions the fact that I'm someone who is very positive and that its really easy for me to connect with people. She also acknowledges the fact that I'm a really good time manager because even though I'm involved in a lot of things, I still make time to hang out with my friends. 

Jacob's Interview
Jacob describes the fact that I'm really independent and that I work hard for what I want. He said that the fact that he believes I can do anything I want is really powerful.

Leo's Interview  
 - Well,  Leo was really straightforward, he said that I have a really sharp intuition and that I always make good decisions.

Reflect on the differences. 

- Something that really impressed me was the fact that a lot of them commented on how happy I am all the time. I always try to have a smile on my face but I never thought that my friends would actually be impacted by that and would actually appreciate it. Something that they also mentioned wa how hard I worked. That is another thing that I actually never though they would actually notice because even though even if I'm really busy and exhausted, I never talk about it or comment on it because I don't want to bother anyone with all of that so the fact that they notice it and appreciate it makes me really happy. I don't think I would make any corrections to the list because what they see in me are things that I always try to display and encourage so I'm just really happy that they do notice those traits. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Camila,
    I think it's so cool that your friends said those things about you and that you actually got more insight into what people think about you. For me, everything was the same but I really like that there was some variation with your characteristics! That shows an employer that you are well-rounded and can pick up new traits which is awesome. Great post!
