Thursday, February 28, 2019

15A – Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 2

1)    Begin with alternative evaluation
a.     Based on my interviews,  the aspect that mattered the most for my customers when deciding among the different alternatives is the price. One of them said that he always goes for the cheapest and another one said that she goes for the most expensive one because that can ensure her that is a good quality. The other 3 agreed on the fact that they just look for a good in-between. They try to search for one that is not too cheap that could end up not functioning properly, but they also avoid the most expensive ones because there is no reason to pay too much for something when you have something that does the same thing for a few dollars less.
2)    How/where do they buy?
a.     2 of my interviews preferred online shopping. They said its convenient, really easy and its less time consuming.. Other two said that they would prefer in person shopping because they can take a good look at what they’re buying and make sure it’s what they really want. My other interviewee said that for her, it honesty depend on what kind of product she’s buying. Things like clothes, she rather do in person so she can make sure that it fits her perfectly, but something like computer accessories, she has no problem with buying online.
3)    Post-purchase evaluation
a.     What matter the most to the people I interviewed was if they felt like they got theirs moneys worth for. If they’re evaluating a physical product, they said that if the product broke, it was definitely a bad purchase. If it was a really expensive product, they all agreed that if it lasted a long time, it was a very good purchase.

1 comment:

  1. Online shopping is a tough spot for my business specifically because of the type of business I will owning. A digital store offers a lot to the community because of products like yours. I can see how people would appreciate this and allow it to play a role in their lives. People buy things for the "why" and not the "how." Fortunately, I have belief in my "why" like I believe you do.
