Friday, February 22, 2019

13A – Reading Reflection No. 1

"Steve Jobs" by Walker Isaacson

1.     Entrepreneur
a.     What surprised me the most was the fact that Steve Jobs ended up being fired from his own company. With all of the amazing things that he has done for the company, I would’ve thought that he has always been this great. But according to Arthur Rock, that was actually the best thing that could’ve happened to him.
b.     I admired the fact that even though he got fired, he never gave up. He used that time to take some time and grow as a person
c.     What I disliked a little bit about him is the fact that the way he talked and delivered his interviews, made him seem cocky. He wasn’t really humble at times and that juts would make him not want to buy his products.
d.     He did encounter failure when many of his products were just not selling or being successful. They fired him from the company and during that time, he was able to see what he was doing wrong. When he came back, he was better than ever and brought some ideas that were very successful

2.     He was really good at thinking beyond originals ideas presented to him and he would be able to make them better. When he came back, he was able to come up with products that were perfect to sell
3.     I was just confused overall by his personality. In some interviews,  he seemed like he was really nice but in some interactions that he had with his employees, he seemed like didn’t appreciate them or h was just rude to them.
4.     I would ask: “what is your process for coming up with new products?” And “how were you able to handle the failure of some of your products?”

1 comment:

  1. Steve Jobs certainly had a unique way of going about his business. However, I have been clarity on these kind of businessmen by surveying other who hold power in their company. There's a brilliant documentary on YouTube called "Jiro Dreams of Sushi." This movie shows the dedication of its owner and how much he expected out of his employees. I believe these types of subject deserve different perspectives.
