Thursday, February 7, 2019

Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

Who: I would say that almost everyone who I presented with this idea was on board with it but I still found some people that even though they agreed that change needed to be done, they just don’t think that it’s a priority
-       Two of the interviewees thought that there is no reason to do a very big change. They think that a faster way to solve this is just using reusable cups. When I mentioned that many people could forget their cups, they both agreed that in order to make change, people have to just commit to it.
-       One of the interviewees thinks that she prefers the reusable cups but that the compostable cups are a good idea for college students since they’re always in a rush and will forget their cups all the time. It just wouldn’t work for her; she thinks that its easier for her to have a reusable cup because she has a steady job so she can carry it regularly.
-       The last two people I interviewed both worked for gator dining services. They said that they like the idea but at the same time it doesn’t concern them that much because they usually eat while they’re working, so they just use one cup from their store, and just re-use it for the whole day. Even though it’s not a reusable cup, because they’re not using a different one for each meal, their waste isn’t as big as everyone else’s.
What: Not every restaurant on campus uses Styrofoam and plastic, some of them use paper cups that are not as bad for the environment so maybe the change wouldn’t have to occur on every single place.
Why: I think that the need is still there. Even though many people claim that reusable cups are the answer, I believe that while they are a good option, people forgetting their cups is something that will happen all the time and it would be fair to reject serving someone just because they forgot their cup, so restaurants will end up giving them a plastic cup. If they change to compostable cups, people can still use their reusable cups but if they ever forget them, restaurants ill still have an environmental friendly option.

Inside the Boundary
Outside the Boundary
College students that recognize the fact that they use too many plastic and Styrofoam cups
People who don’t move around a lot like in an office where they can always have a reusable cup
Restaurants that use plastic or Styrofoam cups
Restaurants who already use paper cups that are not for the environment
They have chemicals that harm the environment
They’re harder to get into the stores


  1. Reusable cups would certainly be an easier way to get this through to your given demographic. I imagined the older crowd would have an issue with this because they are just used to the traditional habits of restaurants. These are the obstacles you will have to work around. Even smaller steps like people now being asked if they want straws rather than simply being given them by all eateries are a huge change.

  2. I think having compostable cups is one of the best things that a restaurant could do. The amount of decrease that would result in people actually using reusable cups or compostable straws or cups is crazy. Having this available to customers in restaurants could also potentially raise awareness and encourage customers to be more eco-friendly! Good job!!

  3. Hi Camila! I really like the idea of using reusable cups. I work at an office and I always bring my own cup to work. I prefer this to using the paper cups or Styrofoam because I can get more liquid into my cups so I don't need to refill as much. I agree that it would be difficult to have reusable cups for colleges because many people would forget or not want to bring one, but the compostable cups would be a great alternative. Great post!
