Wednesday, March 20, 2019

19A – Idea Napkin No. 2

1) You.  
- My name is Camila and I am a Telecommunications major. Some of my hobbies include dancing, reading, binge watching Netflix, and cooking. Something that I really enjoy to do is volunteer in many different organizations that deal with different causes. One of my favorites are the ones that due beach cleanups or any project that has to do with helping the environment. Like I said on the previous post, I come from Puerto Rico, an island that has a lot of different ecosystems and I've seen all of them being affected by pollution. It no only affects the habitat itself, but it also affects the animals that live there and the people around it. 

2) What are you offering to customers?
- What  I'm offering to my customers is just a step up from something that is already being done. Plastic straws are being banned in many places and are being replaced for plant-based, compostable ones. So I want to continue this amazing idea that has started and also start replacing the plastic cups and lids for compostable ones. 

3) Who are you offering it to? 
- Every project has to start from somewhere, so I would like mine to start on college campuses. I believe that there would be a really big impact on the environment by just changing the plastic cups in campuses' restaurants. So I would be offering it to these restaurants located inside of campus.

4) Why do they care? 
- I think that my customer would care about a product like this because its something they can use to start turning their company into an environmentally-friendly company. This will help them attract more people to their company and will make more money. All of this can happen just by making a small change that would have a really big positive impact on the environment.

5) What are your core competencies? 
I think that what sets me apart from other products is the convenience it offers. Sure, re-usable cups are great and all and I even have two of them but sometimes its just hard to remember it. By offering the compostable cups, students won't feel bad when ordering drinks whenever they forget their cup.

- I think all of my elements work well together because its all a win-win situation. If companies decide to go green and help the environment, they're not only helping reduce pollution (win), they're attracting more customers that are interested in supporting a company that helps the environment (win!).  I think that there are a lot of people that do want to help the environment, but they just don't know where to start, If companies start showing the public that they're doing their part to help the environment, customers will feel motivated and will start looking for ways in which they can help. 
All of my feedback was positive so I criticized myself and what I did this time was be more specific with my answers. On my last post I was too general on my answers and I wasn't able to explain my ideas correctly so I tried to clarify them a little bit more.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Camila,

    I really like your idea! I’m a big fan of ecological products that replace existing ones that are harmful for the environment and are the reason why thousands of marine animals die. These innovative ideas are an imperative need and I think they also have great potential for big profits. Your product could really benefit the ecosystem and I think it could be an attractive perk at many coffee shops and restaurants.
