Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Bug List

Here are a few day to day things that bug me:

1.     Going to the library or a study space, and hearing people typing really loud on their computers.
a.     Why it happens: Most of the time, this is because people try to type quickly, and when they increase their speed, they also increase the intensity of how hard they type.
2.     Washing my hands and realizing that there is no more paper towels and no air dryers so I have to either keep my hands wet or wipe them on my pants
a.     Why it happens: The bathroom was probably busy during the day, they ran out of paper towels and no one has notified the person in charge of changing them.
3.     Tying to use the gym equipment at Student Rec only to notice that the equipment is full of sweat.
a.     Why it happens: People sometimes forget to wipe the gym equipment after they are done using it.
4.      Overflowing trash cans and full trash bags on the floor surrounding the trash cans at my apartment complex
a.     Why it happens: There are not enough trash cans for the amount of people living at the complex.
5.     People who do not tuck their chairs back in the table at the Reitz dining area, making the place look messy.
a.     Why it happens: People don’t think that much about organizing a place when it’s not their own, especially if it’s a public place.
6.     Students that cross the streets without using crosswalks forcing cars to stop suddenly.
a.     Why it happens: Many times, students are in a rush to get to their class so they don’t want to walk all the way to a crosswalk, when it takes more time than just crossing at a random place.
7.     The fire alarm at my apartment that goes off almost every day even when nothing is even turned on in the kitchen
a.     Why it happens: There is probably an error with the wiring system of the fire alarm that makes it go off randomly.
8.     My squeaky bed that makes noises every time I’m changing my sleeping position.
a.     Why it happens: There is probably a loose bolt in one of the legs that needs to be tightened
9.     Having to wait 40 minutes in the TSA security line before my flight at MCO because there is only 2 out of 8 lines open
a.     Why it happens: They do not have enough people working at certain times to operate every line, therefore they can only open 2.
10.  Having a conversation with someone over lunch and the person is talking with his mouth full
a.     Why it happens: Some people just don’t take the time to swallow their food, they just want to keep on talking.  
11.  When I’m waiting for the bus at the Reitz and when it arrives it turns out that the previous trip was the last trip so now I will have to Uber back.
a.     Why it happens: Although the RTS app tells you how long it will take the bus to arrive at your stop, it won’t notify you if it’s the last trip.
12.  Trying to have a conversation over the phone with my friend from Puerto Rico but the call drops very often.
a.     Why it happens: My friend lives in an area that doesn’t have good reception.
13.  Watching television and trying to change the channel but the remote is not working properly
a.     Why it happens: The batteries are probably dead since we have not changed them since we moved in.
14.  Having to charge my phone every 2 hours because it dies so quickly
a.     Why it happens: My phone is really old so the battery is probably worn out.
15.  Trying to go to the pool at my apartment complex but every time I go the water is green.
a.     Why it happens: The maintenance team doesn’t have a frequent schedule to clean the pool.
16.  Trying to watch “Quantico” on Netflix but the episodes keep stopping every 10 minutes to refresh.
a.     Why it happens: The internet connection is not as strong as it needs to be to support a heavy program like Netflix.
17.  Waiting an hour or more in traffic to pick up my mom from work in South Beach when taking a route that usually takes about 20 minutes.
a.     Why it happens: There are a lot of traffic lanes that are closed due to construction, and with the big amount of people that live in Miami, closing lanes means traffic increases by a lot.
18.  Going to McDonald’s to satisfy my ice cream craving and when I get there, it turns out the machine is broken… AGAIN
a.     Why it happens: The ice cream machine doesn’t receive the maintenance it needs to last long periods of time without breaking.
19.  When I get into an Uber to go to an appointment and the car smells like cigarettes.
a.     Why it happens: The Uber driver probably smoked before they started their shift without thinking about the fact that the smell would stay in the car
20.  Waiting in line of a fast food restaurant and having someone in front of you taking forever to order because they still don’t know what to order.
a.     Why it happens: The person has probably never visited the restaurant so he’s trying to look at all of the menu options.

Reflection: When I read the instructions for this assignment, I thought it was going to be really easy to complete it, but when I started it, I realized it was a little bit hard for me because I usually don’t complain a lot so, even doing the first 5 was definitely a challenge. But once I started thinking about some of the things that happen every day that I just learned to block so they wouldn’t bug me as much, it became pretty easy to finish the list. It’s funny how many little things you have learned to block just so they don’t bother you. It was definitely pretty challenging to be completely aware of everything that is happening around you at all times just so you can see what bothers you.


  1. Hey Camila,

    I liked your post and the bugs you listed and wanted to extend on them. I think you had some really practical bugs because they are things we can all directly relate to without thinking about it too hard. An example of this would your 20th bug, which referenced fast food restaurants. This probably happens just about every time you go to a fast food restaurant because it requires you to know exactly what you want right away. I can see the value of expediting this process for the future.

  2. Hi Camilla! Great list, reading some of your bugs made me realize how many of them bother me too! It seems like many of yours have to do with efficiency. I agree that apps and other ways to get people to pre-plan would benefit everyone. Also things such as people being rude are hard to stop unfortunately. Perhaps penalties for not wiping down equipment could be a way to get people to do it.
