Friday, January 25, 2019

Identifying Opportunities in Economic & Regulatory Trends

Regulatory changes

Gainesville votes to ban plastic bags, Styrofoam, The Gainesville Sun
-       I believe that there is an opportunity here because it is something that has the attention of a lot of people in the county. Even though there are some that are opposing to the idea of banning plastic bags and Styrofoam, there people in favor are more. This idea has been approved for a second round of voting, making it closer and closer of becoming a reality.
-       The customer for this will be regular consumers. People who purchase drinks that come in Styrofoam cups, people who go grocery shopping, and people who go shopping anywhere else that provides plastic bags.
-       I am 100% into recycling and taking action when it comes to saving the environment, so seeing that other people, especially, city leaders, makes me believe that there is an opportunity of actually making it happen.

New justices could refuel workers’ comp fight, The Gainesville Sun

-       I believe that there is an opportunity here because almost every single company, if not all of them, provide workers compensation. Because of that it is really important that this service is completely efficient and looks out for the employees.
-       The customer for this opportunity will be both the employees and the employers.
-       As someone who works setting up and breaking down events, I’ve seen many of my co-workers getting hurt when carrying heavy stuff. A lot of them have complained about how the workers comp didn’t completely cover them, or hasn’t been completely efficient.

Economic trends

$15 minimum wage closer to being on Florida ballot, The Gainesville Sun
-       I believe that there is an opportunity here because raising minimum wage is something we’re constantly fighting for, and when they give it to us, the  raise is almost unnoticeable. The fact that many people have not stopped fighting for it, makes me believe that there could be an opportunity.
-       Everyone in Florida would be affected by the raise of the minimum wage, therefore, the customer for this would be Florida residents/workers.
-       I saw this as an opportunity because I am currently in school and I also have a job in order to pay for my classes. Like almost every student, I only get paid minimum wage, and with it being so low, even when I work a lot of hours, it is still not enough to pay the bills.
County repeals business tax, The Gainesville Sun
-       I believe that there as an opportunity here because there are many people who have dreamed about opening their own businesses, but they weren’t able to do it because of the high tax rate that businesses have. With a lower business tax, more people will be able to open up their business and will be able to properly run them without getting in so much debt.
-       The people who are affected by this are new business owners or people who are planning on starting a business.
-       I saw this an opportunity because I’ve personally seen people whose business fail because of the high taxes. Back home, there were a few friends whose parents wanted to open business and some of them weren’t even able to open them because they couldn’t afford it.


  1. I appreciated the last part of your post because it focuses on small businesses and the issues they face financially. Many people may believe that all businesses should be taxed in the same format, but what is more important to look at is the return rates of small businesses to the communities they do business in. Small businesses may not initially bring back major funds to the community, but those who start them end up spending a majority of their profits in the towns that they operate in. This is a perspective taxpayers do not take when they are considering how fair the system is.

  2. The plastic ban impacts our day to day life and the future for generations to come. Reducing the use of plastics is more than just a trend. We are seeing more and more establishments offer paper alternatives. Also the business tax decrease is huge. This allows the economy to grow more than ever before. I even have family friends opening their own stores and restaurants now which they have not done in the past.

  3. These changes represent clear opportunities for entrepreneurs, and indicate that the legislative changes often parallel the economic trends. I found that the proposed ban on plastic bags would be hugely beneficial for the Gainesville community. I have experienced many foreign communities that have adopted the ban on plastic bags, and there are definitely pros and cons to this. Mainly, for people who forgot to bring bags and just finished checking out a cart full of food at the grocery store.
