Thursday, January 17, 2019

My Entrepreneurship Story

Second Chance Animal Rescue

Back in high school, I was part of a club that was dedicated to do some volunteer work with different types of organizations and I was one of the officers in charge of organizing what type of charity we would help for the month. While we were planning the activities out, I noticed that we would always pick organizations that were in the city who were really not that desperate for help. So, I brought it up to the president of the club and suggested that we should pick an organization that is located in the country side of Puerto Rico, since they were the ones that needed the most help, especially an organization called “Second Change Animal Rescue” which dedicates on rescuing stray dogs. When I brought it up, the president told me that no one would be interested in traveling that far, especially for a small, unknown organization.
After that, I really couldn’t stop thinking about the organization so I decided to reach out to one of my teachers to see if she could help me reach out to the other students, and see if they were interested in helping out by donating items and going once a week to help out with whatever they needed. My teacher told me that she would support me but that her schedule was really bus and that she wouldn’t be able to help me as much. So I decided to go to the organization, ask what they needed and started making flyers with the information that I gathered to promote this organization and its needs as much as I could.
            This turned out to be a success; a lot of students were very moved with the organization’s story and were really happy to help. I was able to collect more than 500 items for them and about 40 people were more than happy to visit the organization and help them. After that, my club starting looking for organizations that were really in need of help instead of just focusing on the ones that were just close to our high school.

Other than the fact that this class is require for my minor, I was really excited to enroll in this class because I want to learn more about how we are able to just find these little problems within our community and trying to do something about it. I hope to learn how I can approach these problems and follow a step by step process that will help me find the most efficient solution.


  1. This is such an inspiring story! Good for you for persevering in this mission despite what the president of the organization said. It's amazing what passion and motivation can achieve. Your story reminds me to remain focused on the goal and not just what is easy or what seems so be working. We must think about how we can improve our efforts and make a difference.

  2. This story represents a different approach to volunteer work and giving back to the community. Most people who are not heavily involved in charity work, would usually only be interested in giving back to their own community. The goal of giving back to a community that you do not belong to is rare for most people. What you did to help the Second Chance Animal Rescue shows that people can volunteer their time just out of the goodness of their heart. I would suggest proofreading before posting next time, there are quite a few typos. Great story though!
