Thursday, April 11, 2019

26A – Celebrating Failure

1) A time when I failed: 
 -- Currently, I work at the O' Dome where I am a supervisor in training. Whenever you get promoted to supervisor in training, you have to go through some evaluations in order to become a full supervisor. In these evaluations, you have to lead a shift and other supervisors rank your work with a rubric and you have to get a 4 or a 5 in every single category in order to pass. I have been evaluated 3 times and I have passed two of those 3 evaluations. When I failed one of them, I was fine at first but then when I thought about it I was low-key mad. I thought it was unfair because in my mind, I did a really good job and they didn't pass me by 1 point which I though was ridiculous. But after a few days passed and my anger dialed down I started seeing that the reasons they had for failing me were honestly fair and that I should just take the feedback that they gave me with open arms and use it whenever I get to repeat my evaluation. I then passed that evaluation but when I went ahead and worked another evaluation (you need to pass 4 evaluations in total) in which they failed me AGAIN and it was the same person that failed me on the other one. I really thought that they had something against me or something because I honestly thought that I was doing a really good job again and the reasons to fail me were not fair.

2) What I learned from it
 -- I learned that even if a superior fails you, it doesn't mean that they're out to get you or something. They have the experience and they've been through that so they know what's best for you. It's better to just listen to them and try to let them guide you instead of fighting them. If you stop and listen to their feedback, they can actually help you grow as an employee and be successful.
3) Reflection
-- Failure is something that I've learned to accept as I keep trying new things. I was use to succeeding in almost everything when I was in middle school and high school and when I failed I would get so disappointed in myself. But now that I'm in college and everything is so difficult I've learned that it doesn't matter if I fail, what actually matters is how hard I try to achieve what I want even if I fail a million times trying to get it. It has showed me that there are some things that are actually not worth fighting for and that there are other things that deserve to be fought for till the end.
-- I think this class has helped me with the same aspect I discussed earlier; listening to feedback. This class has been all about creating a products or a service and at the beginning, I thought I had the most perfect idea and that I had everything figured out. Having to go back to my posts and reading the feedback has helped me make my product better and fix aspects of it that I thought were so perfect but could actually make my product fail.

1 comment:

  1. Camila,

    Great post! I loved how you were able to circumvent this failure and learn that sometimes when those above you act a little harshly towards you, it is out of wanting to see you grow as a person and as a professional. Again, great post!
