Thursday, April 11, 2019

27A – Reading Reflection No. 3

Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Peter. F Ducker

1) What was the general theme or argument of the book?
The theme of the book is how to discuss with the reader different aspects that you should look at and take into consideration before launching a project. The book discusses things like taking into consideration the area where you want to launch your project, analyzing who is your target audience, adjustments you have to make while your launching your project, the kind of mindset you need to have whenever you face challenge, among other things.

2) How did the book, in your opinion, connect with and enhance what you are learning in ENT 3003?
One of the things that helped me enhance what I was learning in ENT3003 is the demographics aspect of launching a project. In one of our assignments we needed to create an avatar of what we would imagine our target audience to be like. In the book, the author explained how demographics play a very important role in a business because your project could be a total hit to the people living in a certain area, but it could also be unsuccessful and underrated in another area. So before starting a business, it is recommendable to study your audience.

3) If you had to design an exercise for this class, based on the book you read, what would that exercise involve?
My favorite chapter from the book was chapter 8: Changes in Perception, in which they talked about how a single situation could come across as good to someone, but have a negative impact on another person. So one excersice that I would do based on that is group the classroom into pairs, and give them a sheet with a real life situation. I would make one of them explain to me why the situation could have a negative impact, and the other one would explain why wold it have a positive impact. They don't have to agree with what they explain, but it will still help them understand different sides of a same situation.

4) What was your biggest surprise or 'aha' moment when reading the book? In other words, what did you learn that differed most from your expectations?
- I'm going back to chapter 8 because I absolutely loved it. This chapter opened my eyes because of the examples they used. Everyone always say that every story has two sides, but we naturally apply that to simple situations like "there are people that like dogs and there are some people that don't because a dog bit them when they were young". So you get the two sides of the story so you really can't hate on the person that hates the dog (i mean, who doesn't like dogs though?). Anyways,  the examples they used in this chapter included black people being in situations in which they feel oppressed, vs white people being in the same situation and seeing it as a normal thing. The book explains that its none of their faults to feel how they feel, its just that historically, white people have not been through oppression so they don't have to be tense in certain situations that black people might find uncomfortable.  This example, including a few others, were just a way of the author to explain how perspective can be really different even when presented with the same project or idea. And it can be really serious sometimes so it is something that needs to be taken seriously whenever you launch a project that could greatly affect your public.


  1. Hi Camila!

    Great post. I really liked how passionate you were about this book; your word choice in describing this novel really proved it! I also loved how you were able to integrate the information you learned from the book into your responses, in a way that showed that the message and overall theme of the novel really resonated with you and your personal values. Again, great post!

  2. Camila,
    I love your idea about how people need to be aware of the negative aspects to every decision that they make and be conscious of what they are doing at all times. This can be very hard to do but is necessary when trying to build connections with people and learn best from your mistakes and actions. Great Post!

  3. Hey Camila,

    Great post, thanks for sharing. I love getting authentic summaries from peers about books that I’m interested in reading in the future. I think you gave a solid wrap up, I thrive to produce some type of innovative product or maybe an innovative product that will allow me to improve a product or service’s efficiency. I like to think that there is always room for improvement.
