Thursday, April 11, 2019

28A - Your Exit Strategy

1) Exit Strategy
- I think that in order for my company to grow and make the big impact it needs to, I would honestly prefer to sell the business to someone that has a bigger company and can have more success than me.

2) Why have you selected this particular exit strategy?
- I am honestly not a business gal; I have no intention of being in a large corporation. I really want to help the environment but I think that once I fight for my product and  it reaches the audience that I want it to, I'll be satisfied. Once I get a large corporation to invest on it and take care of the production and distribution of the product, then I'll be the happiest person ever. I wouldn't mind having a spot on the table were all decisions are made just to make sure that the product doesn't lose its initial purpose of helping the environment. But, I just don't want to be the one in charge of everything because I know there are people that are more way experienced that me in the business that could take really good care of the product and deliver it to where it needs to be delivered and kept at the high standard it should be kept at.

3) How do you think your exit strategy has influenced the other decisions you've made in your concept? 
- I think it has influenced on my initial decision on what type of product I could  promote to help the environment. Instead of creating something completely new, I decided to just present the idea of upgrading from something that already existed. That way, I had people in the industry that can help me make better decisions instead of creating something entirely new in which I would have to answear and solve every single question with little to no help.

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